First i want to apologize to everyone for todays and this weeks downtimes and Inventory issues, it appears that time has caught up with us here at OSgrid. After 2.5 years of virtually no cleanup or maintenance on our inventory tables, it seems the cruft just finally built up to much.
Todays downtime was a result of much of that build up bringing things to a grinding halt, so after all this time the big clean up finally took place. Thanks to Melanie and her awesome ability to peer into the database and see what was wrong, spent the last few hours fixing and cleaning the entire table.
So please everyone thank Melanie Milland, and everyone who helped her and the rest of the team get through this ordeal, I would like to thank the grid admins and devs, including Adam Frisby, Hiro Protagonist, Adelle Fitzgerald and Dave Coyle as well for also helping and contributing to getting through this insanity. Thanks to WhiteStar Magic and others on the IRC and everyone who helped out on Lbsa Plaza, there are just too many to mention everyone, you are all great people and this grid could not function without any of you. (I am sorry if i forgot anyone its only because my brain is so scrambled right now :).
Please log back into the grid and check your inventory and report anything that seems odd to our team. Thanks again everyone.
ok folks, sorry about take 2 on the outage but we realized after we opened the grid pretty quickly that something was still wrong, seemed people still had some duplicate folders, so Melanie once again plunged into the database to save the day, unfortunately the queries were massive and took much longer to process than we anticipated, we are sorry for this turn of events but it was ultimately necessary. Again i thank everyone for their patience in this matter and hopefully this is the last outage for a while.
Also if you find you are missing items from your root folder, be sure to check in your “Lost and Found” anything we could not properly place back should have ended up in your Lost and Found. if you have any questions please let us know.