
66 posts

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INI and code changes Aug 21

Hey everyone, Just a quick note to keep everyone up to date with current changes to OpenSim and our configuration files for OSgrid. Megaregions have been removed from core OpenSim and will no longer function on latest code base.  This was enabled with the CombineContigousRegions option in the OpenSim.ini and this option has now been removed! If you are running […]

Grid Maintenance

Hey everyone! Most of you have probably noticed and possibly been affected by recent outages in services. We are working on getting these issues resolved and getting the grid stable. This week (aug 1) we will start running diagnostics on the servers to make sure there are no problems with hardware as well as some configuration changes to the cluster […]

Grid status, expected action and timeline

Well by now most of you have noticed the grid is down and the issue has not been resolved as quickly as I had originally hoped. The issue we have is with the cluster and it has booted into a state I am unfamiliar with and rather risk data in an attempt to resolve an unfamiliar issue we have asked […]