Yearly Archives: 2016

8 posts

Grid status, expected action and timeline

Well by now most of you have noticed the grid is down and the issue has not been resolved as quickly as I had originally hoped. The issue we have is with the cluster and it has booted into a state I am unfamiliar with and rather risk data in an attempt to resolve an unfamiliar issue we have asked […]

Grid services updated to 0.9.0

Great news to share: grid services now updated to OpenSim 0.9.0. This should fix a lot of the teleport issues and border crossings issues with var regions. Older simulators are still functional with the new services and teleporting between 0.8 and 0.9 simulators has been working well too. If you are running 0.9 and have run across any bugs please […]

New OSgrid officers & upcoming membership meeting

The Board of Directors of OSgrid, Inc. held a board meeting today in world.  At the meeting the positions of Board officers were discussed and changes were proposed and voted on by the full board.  The new board positions will be going forward: Dan Banner – President Sarah Kline – Vice-President Jim Jackson – Secretary Albertlr Landar – Treasurer Hiro […]