Yearly Archives: 2015

24 posts

OSgrid Update 2015-03-09

REOPENING PROGRESS Touch wood, but so far, the reopening of OSgrid has gone extremely well. There has also been a 30% increase in concurrency since return to service. SERVICE STATUS While there were a handful of bumps settling in, the new asset cluster has performed extremely well. Along the way we have found the occasional bad asset, which were nicknamed […]

OSgrid Logins Reopen

Melanie from Avination investigated the stuck asset service process and found an old SRAS asset was giving the asset code fits. The offending asset was corrected and OSgrid logins have been reopened. We now know what to look for and where if there are any future recurrences. Thankfully, the problem looks to be very rare or not very likely based […]


OSgrid is back online and open! We know its been a long, painful, frustrating outage, and we do appreciate your patience, support, and encouragement through some rather bleak months. But the wait is over – logins to OSgrid are now open again and the grid is back online! Many people today have noticed our initial testing, and initial admin logins, […]