Monthly Archives: January 2015

4 posts

Update 2015-01-26

DRIVE RECOVERY STATUS The recovered disk has been examined and looks in generally positive shape to attempt a full asset recovery. Melanie from AVN has worked heavily with the recovered asset drive on a process to bring the recovered assets back online. ASSET SERVER STATUS In the last OpenSim developers meeting, Melanie from AVN offered to contribute her FSasset service […]

Update 2015-01-19

DRIVE RECOVERY STATUS The recovered drive has been received by the datacenter. ASSET SERVER STATUS With the databases up and replicating on private interfaces, firewall configurations were enabled. Failover, Failback, Backup, and Restore procedures drafted and in testing. Additional regions were brought up on the new asset servers for testing. OSGRID RESTART OSgrid restart is getting closer but there is […]

Update 2015-01-12

DRIVE RECOVERY STATUS The recovered drive has been shipped from the recovery service to the data center. No ETA yet on when the data center will receive the recovered drive or have it online for us. ASSET SERVER STATUS Both new asset servers have successfully passed the first tests hosting OSgrid regions. Lbsa Plaza and Sandbox Plaza 2 successfully connected […]

Update 2015-01-05

DRIVE RECOVERY STATUS With the holiday breaks behind us, we expect the data center to receive the recovered drive from the recovery service soon, but do not have an ETA yet. We hope to have an ETA or the drive itself before the next update. ASSET SERVER STATUS Both new asset servers were fully configured and brought online temporarily working […]