Yearly Archives: 2012

5 posts

OSgrid is turning 5!! [OSG5B]

Next week OSgrid turns 5 years old. And it is a long shot from what it has been when it was started – much like the feet it stands on: OpenSimulator. Back in the days when OSgrid was built to be the testing ground for all new OpenSimulator code mostly developers, testers and tech savvy early adopters could be found […]

UPDATE – Release changes for OSgrid OpenSimulator

Hello everyone, I have posted a new version of OSgrid Simulator release on the website today, there are some important changes that you should be aware of before upgrading to make sure you retain 100% functionality. The main changes are to the GridCommon.ini . the following section needs to be added, see the link for fully updated GridCommon.ini GridCommon.ini Changes […]

UPDATE – Release changes for OSgrid OpenSimulator

Hello Everyone, This new release now has a major overhaul to the GridCommon.ini GridCommon.ini : You are going to basically want to replace everything below the [DatabaseService] starting with [Modules] section. ————————————— [DatabaseService] ; ; ### Choose the DB ; ; SQLite Include-Storage = “config-include/storage/SQLiteStandalone.ini”; ; Unfortunately the current SQLite database plugin is not compatible with Mac OSX. You can […]