Monthly Archives: June 2011

5 posts

IMPORTANT : New .ini changes in 06-16-2011 release

Hello everyone, I have posted a new version of OSgrid Simulator release on the website today, there are some important changes that you should be aware of before upgrading to make sure you retain 100% functionality. The main changes are to the GridCommon.ini and the OpenSim.ini. the follow section needs to be updated, see the link for fully updated GridCommon.ini […]

.ini changes and Hypergrid for osgrid

Hello everyone, I have posted another new release and there are some changes I would like to highlight in this new version. Because of some of the recent advancements with hypergrid I have decided to automatically enable Hypergrid in the newest release and we recommend everyone do the same to widen the already popular hypergrid, this is not required but […]

IMPORTANT : New .ini changes in 06-12-2011 release

Hello everyone, I have posted a new version of OSgrid Simulator release on the website today, there are some important changes that you should be aware of before upgrading to make sure you retain 100% functionality. The main changes are to the GridCommon.ini the follow section needs to be updated, see the link for fully updated GridCommon.ini ———————————————– [HGInventoryAccessModule] ; […]