Monthly Archives: December 2010

2 posts

Mandatory Sim Upgrade

Hi.  On Wednesday, January 5, beginning at: 3pm US/Eastern Noon US/Pacific 20:00 UTC we will be upgrading the OSGrid backend services to a newer version of OpenSim.  With this upgrade, Hypergrid connections to and from OSGrid will again be working.  If you operate your own grid you can feel free to test HG connections to OSGrid’s test grid [ […]

Hypergrid Update

Hello Metaverse peoples.  Just a quick note that, yes, we’re aware that Hypergrid connections with OSGrid aren’t currently functional.  Our grid service setup is a bit… complicated.  Currently we run 6 separate Robust instances using 4 different configs behind a reverse proxy.  Add to that a number of recent config changes in OpenSim, and we end up with a number […]